29 October 2012

Filofax College - Week 5 - Getting out that Planner Fail

Today I am going to teach you a lesson about how to escape that planner fail!

This is something that has been happening to me recently, and with a little bit of reading I came to a way to escape this nightmare, so here is a lesson on how to do that.

First of all, as it is the end of term due to school holidays we get to watch a video! YAY (Term starts again on Monday 5 November!

Here is the video...

As you can see what you need to do is to make a little file, it can be a section in your Filofax or an envelope cut up like I did.


Then break it all down and write everything, first of all make a mind map of all the different ideas you want to try, and ideas you have tried.


You will need to make a short list, and answer a few questions.

1. What do I need my planner for?

2. What sections do I need?

3. Do I want it bound or a ring binder?

Once you have decided on your ideas, start to break down the ideas on to piece of paper and make lots of notes, like this:




I find graphs and charts really help me know what I want from something.

Your Homework this week is to (if you are having planner fail) to write out what you want from your organise, how you will get that and what steps you will take to succeed with it. Even if it is just to plan for a different layout in your Filofax, then post some of the pictures of your planning stages in the Filofax College Flickr Group.

I have noticed that people have not been getting involved with the Homework, and also that people seem to read my blog less since I have stopped using Filofaxes so much. Have I done something wrong?? Or do people only want to know when it is something Filofax related and as I am not in Filofaxes I am no longer part of the group?


  1. I still love your blog, and will forever, regardless of what you write about!! I haven't been doing the homework as I have so much on at the moment, but I will do this week's :D I might do a blog post about it on my bloggy woggy!!

  2. PS. Maybe you aren't getting as many readers because if you aren't blogging about Filofaxes, you won't be featured on Web Finds, and that's where I get most of my readers from!

  3. I still love it too - I love reading about all the tools you use, not just your Filofaxes! I am really looking forward to reading where you go next and how it works for you. As for the homework, I seem to have been in a state of permanent planner fail for about 10 years, and most of my filofax use is not as a 'planner', but your posts are inspiring me to try different approaches to see what suits me - and I'm gradually starting to see the light I think :)

  4. I'm a graph and chart maker, too. I can't think in my head - I have to do it on paper. And seeing on paper sometimes makes it really, really clear.

    However, I've done a pro's and con's list for which planner size to use but they all come out equal in the end.

  5. Still love the blog and videos. You have a lot of good organizational ideas with creativity!

  6. I agree with Kate's comment about getting readers via Web Finds. I've lost blog traffic since writing over at Philofaxy, but it's great to be involved there.

    I haven't read all your college posts yet as I've been cutting down on time spent on the internet xxx
