03 January 2013


Some of you may not know, I have had a DRASTIC hair cut rencetly, my hair was do dead and awful, dry, needed cutting off!

Here is my BEFORE:

Hair cut

Very long!!!!

Hair cut

You can see my lovely Hair Dresser Channel (she was my old hairdresser but I haven't seen her in over a year)

Hair cut

Hair cut

This is me yesterday, hair is a bit messy! hehe

Hair cut

What do you think?

Have you ever had such a drastic cut? or a hair cut gone wrong? 


  1. I love your new 'do! You're beautiful, Imy dear. Just lovely! xx

  2. I tend to go from long hair (though not quite that long, I must admit) to something resembling your short cut once a year or so, and that's as much as I get my hair cut - but my hair grows really quickly! It's about a year since I had the last bob cut in and my hair's just crossed the shoulder-length-void (you know, where it seems stuck at shoulder length for ages) into long.

  3. I have longo hair, not as long as yours before you cut it but... i was thinking of cutting it just like you have it right now... but I'm not sure... I'm a little chubby and my face a little round... don't know if I can pull it off...

  4. When I went and had mine evened up (I had it short one side and short bob length on the other) I came out HATING it, went straight home and washed it as the hairdresser had made it HUGE like a lion's mane) and then when I tried to style it I looked like a mushroom! :(

    If I've got the pic still I'll whatsapp it you so you can have a laugh LOL x

    How are you lovely Imy? I miss you on facebook :( xx

  5. You look awesome!! soooo pretty! I love it much better than long. perfect!

  6. Quite a bit shorter then. Looks good though. Quicker to dry I would think!!

  7. I think your new haircut is lovely! Years ago I had my hair down past my shoulder blades & finally got fed up with it. All chopped off into a pretty short bob & I loved it.

    @ Tali: I'm sure I've had the same haircut too & spent some time trying to make mine look less mushroom-like...

  8. Looks fab!!! I let my hair grow to shoulder length quite often and then get bored so go to the hairdressers and have a short to very short cut, decide I love it and am going to go back regularly to keep it, and then never do so it gets longer and more annoying again :-)

  9. ~Very nice haircut Imy. I've had mine short for ages now, but have had the urge recently to grow it again! I'll have to see how it goes as mine is very fine - but lots of it. My biggest problem is colour as I am going grey :-(

  10. In 2008 I went from boob length hair to one of those pob cuts that was about ear length. I loved it! For about a year then started missing being able to do anything with it so I grew it back out. It's taken nearly three years to get back to my original length but I really loved it!
    It really suits you Imy :)

  11. I went from long like yours, then cut like yours then to really short, I loved it and have had it short for quite a few months now but i'm growing it again this year :-)

  12. Your hair looks lovely by the way :-) x
