02 September 2015

Japan Candy Box Review/Giveaway!!

I have been the luckiest girl ever!!! As Kawaii Box after letting me review and sample their cute box they offered me the chance to review their Japan Candy Box!

I have to first apologise for the delay in doing this post! I have been unable to finish the video due to teeth issues! But all better!!! YAY

At the bottom you can see my review of all the different sweets where I show each one and tell you what I think about them and what I thought they tasted like!

The packaging was just as cute as the last box from them, which I LOVED!!!!!! I would recommend anyone signing up to these boxes as they are so cute and amazing!

I haven't posted as many photos as the video shows each thing in detail... I hope you enjoy the video!! I have included a picture below of the items that are included along with the list!

Don't forget to enter the competition!!!! Good Luck!!!! 

11 August 2015

Kawaii Box Winner!!

Congratulations to the winner!!

I will contact you today for your details for posting the prize too!

In the mean time check out my new blog!

It is mainly about my condition and sharing other peoples stories!


There will be another review coming soon with another giveaway!

Thank you to all who entered and thank you everyone for being magical!

24 July 2015

Webfinds #3

This weeks Imyfinds are here! YAY! (That is if anyone is actually reading them, as it never seems to be the case these days as I don't seem to get any comments) Enjoy them!!

You might not be surprised that I have more posts from Janet at This Bug's Life for my Webfinds, but she has shared more amazingness

Today we have a really really stuffed Filofax, and oh my doesn't it look amazing! I love a stuffed Filofax, but who doesn't!

She showed it to me because I loved the picture from her Diary of an overstuffer hehe

I think I am too tidy in my Filofax (not my writing but paperwork and stuff) that it never looks like that!

Also here is Joshua LaPorte beautiful Filofax Set up from This Bug's Life too! It is beautiful!

I found this blog a while ago and started to follow it on Bloglovin' not a website I really go on very often but the blog is beautiful, it is called Seaweed Kissess and I LOVE LOVE LOVE this blog post by them, it is their last week at a glance

I love her diary pages, they are beautiful the layout, that is the kind of thing I want for 2016! I need to find out what the diary pages are! Off snooping I go....

They are Day Runner inserts! Oh that sucks, they don't sell them over here! I shall have to find an alternative option!

Look at all these beautiful photos they have shared of thier Nude Orignal binder!

Oh can I just stare at all their pictures and blog all day please? Just please!!

Finally, I just saw today a post about the Skins casts over the years of how they look now, READ IT HERE, I loved skins my favourite characters were:



I just so wished they continued the characters a bit in to the next seasons as we never found out what happened to Cassie after she left for New York, and didn't Sid go after her? I think there was a sort of episode about it all, but I feel none of the Skins episodes ever ended! This makes me sad! I saw it said one has a blog so I went to have a look at her blog, it was Liv, she's actually called Laya Lewis apparently, I never really knew any of their real names I just felt it was all real..... I obviously knew it wasn't but was nice to think it was. I really need to re watch all Skins then maybe find some places next time I go to Bristol! Anyway she sort of wrote a response to the article saying where she is, but not really being sure, I quite enjoyed it. I kn they had Skins Fire, Pure and Rise but I think I missed them, I really do think I should catch up soon...

Hope you have enjoyed my Imy finds this week!!

Enter my competition to win a Kawaii Box!! They are amazing!

(I am trying not to use she or him or her etc, due to some people identity in different ways, I'm trying to be politically correct)

21 July 2015

Win an AMAZING Kawaii Box!!

Enter the competition to win a beautiful Kawaii Box as seen below in my video!

20 July 2015

Gillio Mini Update

Today I fancied doing a little update as much as I could on my Gillo, as I was looking at her next to me thinking, she looks really beautiful today, not really sure why?

This is only a small update, there will be a proper "What's in my Binder" style post in the future, not sure when that will be though!

As  you can see she is looking beautiful as ever, I have cleaned her with a wet wipe recently as she was looking quite dirty, and by luck it worked! She is just as pink and pretty as she was before!

You can see close up she is still a bit dirty though! Not really sure how to remove it or clean it! I am scared what ever I use will mark her beautiful leather!

The clasp looks the most dirty, you can see my little pen mark there which happened on Friday, or Sunday I can't quite remember, it was a lot worse but I rubbed it for a while and it came off! I was so nervous! I need to get a darker binder!!

When I open her up I see this really cute Little Mermaid card which I found in WHSmiths and bought just as a dashboard kind of thing, I like the text "Make and Entrance" it is cute! It just makes me feel happy!

I cannot show you the current or past diary pages for a while, but when I can I will share them with you, as I need to cover lots and lots of stuff up!! Thats why you have this shot!! Looks pretty though!

This is my only blank week so you can see I still have my Smythson inserts!  Love the gold edges but the blue paper gets a little annoying as when I need to tip-ex it looks a horrible mess! Looks beautiful against my binder though!!! Going for something lined next year but not sure about the style etc...

So pretty paper!!

Crocidilla is 1 year old in 10 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love her still just as much but will need to get a new one soon due to the light colour being so dangerous!!!

Please enter my competition to win a cute Kawaii Box for one month!! Look at my blog post here to find out more about Kawaii Boxes!!