12 October 2011

Share your Filofax Memories - Competition


This October, Filofax and Imysworld would like to invite you to share your favourite Filofax memory. Whether it’s a tale about your first Filofax, the story of your first visit to the Filofax store or even a moment when a Filofax played an important part in your life, we want to hear from you!

Over the next two weeks, you will be able submit your cherished Filofax memories by 26th October at 23:59 (UK time) to filofaximy@live.com This can be beautifully handwritten, typed or even drawn onto the special Filofax diary page template which you can download from the link below 

Imysworld will then choose the top 10 memories to be uploaded onto the official Filofax Facebook page for fans all over the world to read and ‘like’.

On the 4th November, the three memories which have the most ‘likes’ from the Imysworld will receive brand new Filofax organisers as a very special thank you for participating in the challenge.

Interested in sharing your Filofax memories? Here’s how to take part:
  1. Download the Filofax diary page template from this link PPT format PDF Format
  2. Write, draw or type your 300-500 word memory onto the Filofax diary page template
  3. Send your memory back by 26th October at 23:59 (UK time) to filofaximy@live.com who will then select their top 10 stories to be uploaded onto the Filofax Facebook page. Maximum of 3 entries per person. Competition open to all Filofax users worldwide.
  4. Filofax fans will then be encouraged to ‘like’ their favourite memories
  5. The three memories that receive the most ‘likes’ from the Imysworld album will receive brand new Filofax organisers!
I look forward to seeing all your entires, if you have any questions comment below, or email filofaximy@live.com! YAY!!!

If you are unable to print off the PDF or open PowerPoint as you do not have it on your computer, you can send me a typed version over email and I can sort the rest out just so you don't miss out! 



  1. what a great competition! cant wait to read the top 10 entries. better get a move on and enter myself!

  2. White Rabbit - YAY!!! I look forward to receiving your entry!!! :-) There is a week left to send it in, GOOD LUCK!!!! :-D xxxx
