09 August 2012

Filofax Tour 2012

Hello everyone

The Filofax Tour started today, in Truro, meeting Tracy at the train station.

The places the Filofax Tour is going to be visiting are as follows:

Healy's Cider Farm - Cornwall
Lord Dodo Office - Cornwall
Paperchase - Plymouth, Devon
Staples - Plymouth, Devon
Rymans  - Plymouth, Devon
Toys r Us  - Plymouth, Devon
Staples - Truro, Cornwall
Asda - St Austell, Cornwall 

In September the Filofax Tour is going to:

Conduit Street Filofax Shop - London
City Organiser - London
Philofaxy Meet up - London
Bristol - Avon

If you are interested in meeting us at any of these places please tweet us, using the hashtag #FilofaxTour2012 either at @imysworld or @icclewu

Look forward to hearing from you all!!!

Look out for the Filofax Tour bus!!!



  1. Hmmm... I don't see Adelaide, South Australia on there. Was this an oversight? :o)

  2. Love your blog!! Just done a filofax post on my own and mentioned your site at the bottom as your ideas inspired me!

    What is a filofax tour?! I am in Plymouth!

