Theory Driving Test £9.99 Waterstones - Rubbish CD
Wellie Boots £12 Sainsburys - For Boardmasters incase its rainy (Mens Section)
Barry M Dazzle Dust 96 - kind of a gold glitter
Barry M Dazzle Dust 77 - Peachy
They were on special offer buy two for £7, but they are usually priced at £4.50
Carmex Cherry Lip Balm, Superdrug, think it was around £2.99
Batiste Dry Shampoo - Gold shimmer - £2.99 - Superdrug
Germ Cleaner stuff - £1.99
Make-up wipes that smell like Woo Woo and Moisteriser, Both Tesco
Digital SLR Camera Case - £12 - Jessops
Canon EOS 500D (not pictured as was just used ) Comet - not going to mention the price!
That is what I bought this weekend, an awful lot. It is my birthday this week :-)
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